Monday, March 02, 2015

Ben Stark - 'Creature'

About halfway into Ben Stark's latest album, Creature, the song "CAH" provides a strong litmus test for the listener. Over top of skittering, programmed drums and very processed, crunching guitar chords, Stark sings lyrics that seem, to the unitiated, to be a series of random phrases designed to cause at least mild offense (e.g "Cumming on your enemies", "Locking doors with your erection"). But in actuality, they are from the card game Cards Against Humanity–hence the acronymous title–and rather than random, offensive phrases, they are ... uh, random offensive phrases from a card game.* Ok so maybe the song doesn't make a whole lot of lyrical sense in any context. That said, the song and album as a whole seem likely to appeal to listeners whose sensibilities are aligned with enthusiasts of the game.

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